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.Friday, June 30, 2006
As I said, I will continue wif my post abt pulah ubin..
I have a habit of writing a long post of the day i enjoyed most...
Continue from the post,
As I said, we played finished the amazing race... We went back to our rooms and bathe and prepared for the BBC.. YAY!! yummy fOOd..
hAha... oUr group was the slowest to come..HAha, but the fastest of them all to cook alot of food!!
CAS We are so KAISU, fill up the BBQ pit with chickenS, satayS, cornS, fishS, sausageS and mOre??
And actually, we have a nightwalk around pulah ubin at night and campfire..
buT dUe to oUr tiredness and it was raining at night, we were unable to go!! YAY!
We went Swimming but wif nO water(hope you noe wad it means) MAJONG!! i have not played it for a few months already....haaha!! aNd the aircon was so cool.... my eyes got dehydrated cas the aircon directly blow in the eyes... the temperature was like 16 degree... from the living room, two bedrooms.. and IT IS RAINING!!...sooo coldd..
Some of my cousin went to the KTV room... lucky i didnt go.. wahAha!!
They said it was TERRIBLE, got cockroach, lizard and the sound system not that good!!HAHA..
We watch shows till 11.30pm, then went to slp..
such a wonderful night!!!
The next morning.. i woke up at 5.50 at first, cas my watch created a idiotic sound..i made tt timing for my school days.. then slp again... woke up the second time at 6.50.. kept on imagine that Shouldn't we wake up early?? cas i always wake up early when i am oversea =D
Then, open my pouch to check the sheldule of the next activity starts.. then slp again, wake up at 7.30am... I CANT SLP ANIMORE!!
i found out tt i was the onli one awake..HEHE!! then, slowly, one by one wake up... hehe...

We packed our things and went to the restaurant to have our buffet breadfast!! NASI LEMAK!!

Then it was prize presentation time, every group got some goodies cas we all participated..
then to decide who is the winner, the drawing we drew as a task for the hunt...we made as the 'decision'... then the organiser stay infront and kind of joke abt everyone's drawing..LOLX..
still say we can make comics, cas of the two trees in the middle of the sea.. HAHA!!

Then, we can stay in our rooms till 4 cas of the delaying of room's problem..
soon, it was AFTERNOON... we went for canoeing while the adults have the second round of MAJONG!! hehe...
the sun was shinning so brightly.. the water is glistening.... waaaaaaaaaaaaa...
AND I DIDNT EVEN GET DARK...WHY WHY.. is there too much 'white pigment is my skin'!!
As we got wet. we had to go and had a bathe, but before tt, we went to the sea and play...

tt the end.. we took a ferry which went around the whole island before setting off back to jetty...
My contented life`
6/30/2006 04:37:00 PM

.Sunday, June 25, 2006
have i told you about my rich uncle..
now i can prove tt he is VERI VERI RICH!!
HE HAS A BMW... tts so unfair!!
i wan one!!

he has a BMW!!
i love that car!!!
mY aunt said that the car is verii high-tech!!
the gears are replaced by buttons.. lolx..
My contented life`
6/25/2006 07:26:00 PM

tWo dAy oNe niGht cAmP at pubin ubin, island tt is part of singapore!! IT WAS SUPER FUN AND TIRING..lolx..
This cAmp is oRganisEd bY Belair, my aunty and my mum's company!! MuAhahA!!
MorE tHan 50 pPl wEnt foR the caMp, mY cousIns WeNT too!!
We are in One group, and of course, some colleages and their family =D 15 in a group!! YAY!!
Wahhhx.. TT mornIng, hEavy Rain, woRe my SLippers to PUngol Mrt~~= took bus tO hOugang, then tAke MRT!! Then, i saw some ppl already there already, then We tOok a shuttle bUs tO the MMC (is a kinda of club).. Got 1 very TAll guy, when i sAy TALL, iTs TALL!! He is a basketball player and he smokes.. lolx..

Then we had a briefing at MMC, had a leader,cHoe. We hAd A gooDie Bag eAch= cOntaining milo packet, palo cake, one maggi noodle, one playing card and one mineral water!! then took a ferry to MMC resort!! WahAha!! tHe Trip sO dam Long...30 minutes...~~ aND the babies and the Kids sO cuTe!!
ThEn, We pUt my Bags in oNe of the RoOm fIRst, cas sOme fReCKing pPl HaveN CHECK OUT!! Then Took out Our playing Card, mine was the police's son, cas wE neEd iT ltr =D
Then, wE prOceeds To the REsturant!!! haaha..
The First Game gOt to dO wif our cards... We had to Find Our Family, ThaT meAns I haD to fInd mR. pLOD ,mrS. pLOD aND twO sOns and tWo dAUghters..hAhahA..AMONG 50 OVER ppl!!
After tHat We plAyeD amonG thaT group For a WhiLe, thiS game waS quite Fun... We had to ArraNge our seLF accorDinG to height, feet size, index finger size and head hair..haahax!! At fIRst, they saY eyelashes and joke abt nostril hair and armpit hair.. LOLX..!!ThEN , CAS There is a tie-breaker, our team and opponent team must send out 1 strongest women for arm-wrestling match, ahmei went up!! and WON!!Then got one person shouted:' you so skinny still got strength to win!!" wE aLL got a NoTE book each!
The ThirD gAme is separated=children and teens & adults
chilDren and teens plaY "Pesi Cola 123!!" and the adults play hand-wacking game and the group is dam big!! lolx..
wack, wack, wack... can hear the wacking sound.. lolx..
After that, my cousins and i went to explore and take photos.. cas they say the room is not ready yet.. =D Then, LUNCH TIME!! My MoTher is SO FUNNY!! We weNt to the Washroom to waSh yr hanDS, and my Mum went in the Males' toliet, but onli at the Entrance!!LOLX..bUt, before Lunch, We wEnt to feed The fishes in the lAgoon.. WAHHHX... GOT TWO FISHES is So big, BIGGER THEN XINYI!! HAAHAX!!
We hAD.. buffet for lunch.. i cant clasify it as restaurant food... cas it does taste weird.. =D
After that, we check in our bedroom, 3 on top, 2 slp below!! haahax!! zijian, caiyi and yihui slept up stairs.. while ahmei and i slp below... Our RooM nO. wAs 808...(fa..fa..)lolx..
DOWNstairs, is much better... the aircon is much cooler and i dun need to squeeze wif them for space!! Rest for a while before the REAL actions starts!! which is.....(drum rolls..) Treasure HUNT!! i haVe bEen WaitinG for tHis!! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!!
We weNt to CollecT oUr bike... eeeeeee, i had a Hard tIme fIndinG a suItaBle Bike!! all gOod One All BeinG taken!! tHen, wE parkeD oUr biKe oUtside tHe rEstaurant... aNd to sTart The gaMe, wE hAve to Use wAd matErials we have to make two lines... some take out shoe laces, took out socks, bag ..everything tt we have..haahax
tHen, cHoe will give us the first clue.. which was to go to the jetty and find the picture given to us!! I SPOTTED IT!! thE picture is taken at the singapore post box.. and zoom up words "ga"
tHen, we were given the second clue, we had to go to the 'meeting point'... and form a circle facing outwards and hopp together.. =D... wahhhx.. so tiring..
Then, the third clue, we had to go one beach.. and we past by lots of hills and slopes.... SO TIRING!! cycling up the hill!! When we reached, we were given a piece of paper and some crayons.. We were to draw the senery.. WAHAHAHA.. lolx...
When we abt to draw finished, my mother anihow add in two trees which made the drawing veri WEIRD!! two trees in the middle of the sea??!!
The fourth clue, was to find the picture again.. i found it so familiar!! and in the end, it is FAMILIAR, cas we past by there..
the fifth clue, we took veri long time, and it made us lose alot of time.. and found that the resort we were looking for was our resort!! -.-'''
So, we went back to our resort... and then we had to arrange 3 to canoe and get the chopsticks from the other end of the lake... and ppl to kick a soccer ball 5 times into the net.. =D
So fun!!
wE were the third out of five teams to reach to the 'pit-stop'.!!

i will continue on the next post.. my hands are so tired!!
My contented life`
6/25/2006 11:40:00 AM

.Thursday, June 22, 2006
Today.. a summary or full length??
summary!! lazy to write (triple =P)< Desiree noes this
Tmr, pls dUn mSg MII... i wAnnA have Fun aT pulaH Ubin, would be bAck on sAturdAy nigHt.. =D.. So, let mII plAy in peAce..lOlx..
tOday, i went to watch the movie 'garfield 2'.. it has been out one week already, we are so out-dated..haahax!! i waited for bus 608 for 15 minutes... xinyi leeave house later than mii, reach earlier than mii!! wAd Logic iS this!!??
GaRField2 was quite funny.. 1 1/2 hr long.. went to watch wif xinyi, desiree and extra derrick!!
We brought 3popcorns in total cas we does not have enough to eat.. maybe, because of the hungryness and empty stomach=D
After the Movie, we took mrt to TM... cas i wanted to buy slippers =D No size of 8 =( arggg..
we ATE long johns again.. for lunch at abt 3pm =D... then when to the washroom, cas desiree wanted to go.. TOILET was nice, doesnt look like a public toliet in the shopping centre.. Desiree forced mii to take a picture inside, reflections of the mirror.=/
Then, took neoprints.. =( i HATE TAKING NEOPRINTS.. wahAHa!!
then buy carrot cake.. then take MRT home
ok...end of story.. no questions then goodbye.. WahaAHa!!
My contented life`
6/22/2006 09:17:00 PM

.Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Today, i had so much fun playing with Ah xIn.. (i dun metion abt the other old guy*ehem*)
I woke at 6.45am..slept at 12am yesterday!! 6h 45 mins of slp!! NOT ENOUGH!! argggggggggg..
The reason for waking up tt early is that I GOT TO GO SCHOOL to do some volunteering.... I AM SO GUAI~~
I went to help the prefects' room.. do some painting!! WahHAha..
sO, gueSs.. How mAny ppl weRe THere?? 20,10,30??
YOU ARE SO DAMN WRONG= 3ppl... amanda neo, sokyee and rynna=D
And today the weather was wrong... i was kinda rushing to the bus-stop cas i saw everyone on the road rushINg!!?? maybe because of the dark clouds and strong wind!!
IF there was NO school, i miGht be slping TIll 11am.. haahax..
continue my story: sO, i was walking fast and *dripp* one HEAVY drop of water drop on my forehead, then i took another and another step.. then HEAVY RAIN..two seconds can make a difference..WOW!!
I reached school, and rynna was LATE by 25 mins...-.-'' and sokyee' shoes was totally soaked wet!! HAHAHA!! tHe painTinG proceSs was Quite Fun.. But Tiring. Sokyee was *speechless*.. she has a ''talent in art'' !! HAAHAX.. Her SlIPPers were ''supPer Nice''.. supper nice to wear at ice skating arena..NO FRICTION..
Reached hoMe At abt 12.30pm.. ate abt 10mins while watching runaway vacation.. then aH Xin appeared at my house =D with *ehem* a old guy.. lolx.. jkjk!! We did Mathematics first, i dunno whether Xinyi Understand anot.. i did the ONE question for a hour, veri COMPLICATed..
tHen wE playeD real Arcade Games.. quite fUnn..
Then, went to play the piece on the piano.it goes like this..= ti ti ta tu tu, ti ti ta tu tu.. hahax.. follow xinyi post.. lolx... Then... OMG.. XINYI thankyou thankyou!! treat mii ice-cream in this cold day.. sit at the swing, chatted a while then went in..and play again!! play computer games, piano..THEN BADMINTON..haahax.. xinyi no STRENGTH!! WAHAAha.. i light light hit, fly so far!! lolx.. she hard hard hit, land infront of her..lolx..
We also played bally.. i think he verii ke lian.. ltr give *ehem* .. he must be surprised why the thing looks so disfigured.. hahax..!!
Then, you played the piece again before ah xin go... We sing so loud somemore... haahax.. ppl must be thinking tt was are crazy ppl!! I AM CRAZY!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!!!
aNd todAy.. SUrPRISingly, JIAHUI tag my board... OMAN!!iMiss HeR!!! =D
My contented life`
6/20/2006 09:53:00 PM

.Thursday, June 15, 2006
bally says, 'why izzit always so boring every night??'
BORING BORING BORING... holidays are so boring... school days are so sickening... wad days are the BEST??
The days which have half-day of school is the Good Day to mii... and going out to do what i like is the BEST days!! MuaHahaA..
I have really NTH to post about during Holidays, No going oversea, No going out, No exploring AND NOT SURPRISINGLY.... No posting much..
Today, finally got Guzheng Training.. cas always last minute cancel!! Then, We waited yr JiaYing mother to come... it was horrible waiting with her, waah... wait like more than 15 minutes!! Then we went to eat longjohn, chat abt primary 6 and 1 injections..haaha..AND SWIMMING!!lolx.. These are some pictures... that took in this month..

I AM getting really slpy now.Time to rest...
My contented life`
6/15/2006 10:00:00 PM

.Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Your Career Type: Conventional

You are orderly and good at following a set plan.

Your talents lie in working with written records and numbers in a systematic, orderly way.

You would make an excellent:

Bank Teller - Bookkeeper - Court Clerk

Mail Carrier - Post Office Clerk - Secretary

Timekeeper - Title Examiner - Typist

The worst career options for your are artistic careers, like comedian or dancer.

What's Your Ideal Career?

My contented life`
6/13/2006 05:17:00 PM

have anione watch Gladiators before?? lolx..
i have just watch finished the movie..MuahaHAHA..
Gladiator- this show is quite violent, eg. chopping ppl heads off..killing everyone..
but the ending verii touching..

wanna hear a summary??
Maximus is a powerful Roman general, loved by the people and the aging Emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Before his death, the Emperor chooses Maximus to be his heir over his own son, Commodus, and a power struggle leaves Maximus and his family condemned to death. The powerful general is unable to save his family, and his loss of will allows him to get captured and put into the Gladiator games until he dies. The only desire that fuels him now is the chance to rise to the top so that he will be able to look into the eyes of the man who will feel his revenge. So in the end, he fights with his enemy,Commodus who is the emperor, and killed him. But, Commodus somehow injured him, which made Maximus died too... So, in the end, both died.. everyone honour him, carried him and buried him.. and left the evil emperor there.. MuahaHA..

HOW TOUCHING.. sniffsniff
My contented life`
6/13/2006 09:52:00 AM

.Monday, June 12, 2006

NICK WON!!!!!!!!!
ilove nick!! he rawk man!!
spinning and spinning and spinning.. LOLX..
My contented life`
6/12/2006 09:48:00 PM


My contented life`
6/12/2006 09:28:00 PM

.Saturday, June 10, 2006
Today,10.06.06,is ah xin aka xinyi4 aka astrey aka sotong(she is really sotong,ltr i tell you why)

I SHALL sing her a birthdae song..
happy happy birthdae to you
happy happy birthdae to you
happy happy birthdae to you
happy happy birthdae to you
(easy job to sing a birthdae song on computer, copy and paste the same phrase 3 more times..wahaHA)

i woke up quite late today, and started taking my bathe at 9.45 when i had to meet desiree derrick and xinyi3 at 10am.. it was kinda RUSH!! i heard xinyi4 was still slping soundly.. lolx..
arrgg..woke up so early and had to rush to buy a small birthdae cake to celebrate her birthdae.. =P

Our schedule of the day:
-buy cake at 10am
-put the cake at my house
-leave for TM at 11.30
-meet xinyi4 at there
-eat at 'pastamaniac'
-take neoprints and do some window shopping?
-back to my house and cut the cake
-play and go home

We brought a chocolate flavoured cake for xinyi4..especially for xinyi4.. lolx..
Then went back to put the cake in the fridge, took some coins for xinyi3, so that she could take bus to bedok interchange.. Then derrick, desiree and mii left for TM..took bus10 and found her wif XINYI3??!! sokyee and peiying at the MRT station..i found out tt they are going to Tm to buy their band stuff .
First, we went for lunch, cas derrick was like grumbling tt he wants to eat.. derrick and desiree ate spaggetii.. while xinyi and mii ordered hawaii pizza!! YUMYUM..we shared it. And THANKYOU ah xin, you are so generous'$$'. derrick stole two of our pizza..arggg.. $$1.50 pls.. LOLX..
Then we went to toy's store to buy a present for jinghui.. birthdae is the time to give and not recieved.muahaHA..(they forced mii to buy wif them)=D. Xinyi and i didn't really play the hide-and-seek this time round... We found out that derrick was finding us like last time..like someone crazy..looking HERE, looking THERE..lolx..
We went to take neoprint, mentioning of that..i hate taking photos!! Desiree likes taking photos....lolx..and they uses rough methods by pulling mii in the pictures.. tts y sometimes, the picture is like the position of mii is abit awkward.. HAHA..
Then, went back to my house.. and cut the cake...WAHHx..they so youzi..take the cream put on ppl face, i rubbed off the cream xinyi put on my face =P..Then, we 'watch' cheaper by the dozen 2 and xinyi treat us eat icecream..yay..THANKYOUTHANKYOU!!
soon, desiree went back home..=D but xinyi and derrick wanted to stay to play, we played badminton, derrick was like a statue and one thing funny happened to xinyi tt made mii laughed, when derrick hit back the shuttlecock and it landed just infront of her, she was so blur, and thought it landed somewhere near at my neighbour house! LOLX..SHE IS SO LIKE A SOTONG!! my volleyball was used as a ball for bouncing..The ball game was super fun, xinyi was screaming all the way.. and it was really scary when we played the ball at the staircase...haahax..
My contented life`
6/10/2006 09:55:00 PM

.Friday, June 09, 2006

You Are a Husky Puppy

Sweet, affectionate, and docile.

But when you see a cat or chicken, it's kill kill kill!!!

What Breed of Puppy Are You?

My contented life`
6/09/2006 10:47:00 PM


i am a ice man?? wad shit?? lolx..

You tried to live a normal life, but it just wasn't possible
A bit of a slacker, you rather tell jokes than cultivate your powers

Powers: turning self and others into ice, making ice weapons, becoming nearly invisible
Which of the X-Men Are You?

My contented life`
6/09/2006 10:28:00 PM

this monday, was somesort of family day for mii, hanging out wif my parents..!!
first, we went for swimming at my father's club.(Raffles town club).. i LOVE that place.. its like so grand,so big, so comfortable.. WAHHHx... wish i could stay there for the rest of my life, imagine big swimming pools..big theatre..gym..even the toilet..
The Toilet is a big toilet, sometimes i can even get a little lost.. lolx.. =D
After that, we went to orchad road, we ate KFC for lunch and went shopping after tt.. I onli buy two shorts from S&k..2 for 50$$..it an offer. The normal price for 1 is $35..so it is quite cheap. =D
After that, we went back to the club to take back our car. My father said like tt was cheaper, somemore orchad road veri hard to find parking lots and it costs is exp. (kaisu is good thing)..

This tuesday night, my father went to Russia to work.. how sad.. come back for 10 days and off he goes again.. lolx.
And the weather has been terrible this few days, it has been raining, even though there is still sunlight..=D And i couldn't have my exercise.. cycling!! T_T
And today,friday, went to desiree house to watch xmen3..so lame..almost everyone dies, i didn't watch exactly, we were talking and chit chatting all the way..wahaHA.. Then about6pm, i went cycling wif my neighbour as the rain stopped, i regretted cycling at the time, **brrb** it was so cold, the wind was quite strong, and i wore shorts, and cycling fast.. wahhhx.. When we cycling home in an underground passage.. So scary, we were cycling past two ladies, abit like teenagers.. THEN **SCREAMS SCREAMS SCREAMS**lolx.. Scared mii almost to death.. i thought Wad The Hell Happened!!?? Their screams echoed through the tunnel, covered the music coming from my neighbours hp, covered the slience of the tunnel.. lolx.. CAN YOU IMAGINE,it was tt loud, as though sitting on a 360 degree roller coaster.. waHAha..
My neighbour guessed that maybe something went over her feet tt made her scream.. and the other followed her scream.. and "scream+scream=loud scream" and "scream+scream+silenttunnel=extremelyloud"

The end.

My contented life`
6/09/2006 09:53:00 PM

.Monday, June 05, 2006
ok.. this week was really quite busy for mi..
round up of this week stuffs:
-Guzheng has been called 2 TIMES!! ...
-And Wednesday was dumplings festival, so my cousin came, and i sort of taught her how to skate instead of going skating wif my friend to east coast!! i am so Guai!!
-Friday, could not arrange the perfect timing for my piano so that it would be easier for mi to collect my class tee... so had to come back home after my lessons BUT went to desiree house after tt. Then went collecting class tee wif her and xinyi.. =D
-Saturday, went to tuition for a make-up bcas of sunday market.. Then, went wif my parents to see Cars, and we bought a nissan luxury(some sort) and we will get it in mid-july!!! can't wait!! =D

sunday was really a tiring day.. lolx.. it was SUNDAYMARKET...a kinda school event, where it is compulsory of everyone to go.. -.-.. our class had decided to wear our class tees to the sundaymarket..
I tought that this year SundayMarket is worst than last year.. this year's stores are concentrated on FOOD other than GAMES.. and the games cost expensive??
okok... now explanation time, i had to get the election form from a community centre, so i was late!!

First game we played was hunted house.. it was kinda scary, Nicholas backed out at the last minute, and we had to find two more person, desiree derrick and xinyi abandoned mi and liling.. lolx.. Before we went in, a 'joker' scared us by saying, "when you go in, just follow where the totch shines. And when we ask you to bend down, Bend Down, or else.." and he swept his index finger across his neck...-.-
When we went in... WAHHHHHHHHHX...LILING...lolx.. she kept on holding on to my shoulder tightly, and kept kicking my shoes as she walked too fast!! and blamed mii for walking so slow!!!...The place was Veri dark, i could not see a thing..!!
ok, honestly, it was quite scary.. there was two parts tt scaried mii the most.. one was when the person asked us to walk through a place, then i felt so relieved that i was not the first one to walk through, so i turned back to see behind... THEN I SCREAMED!!!! WAHHHHH... THE SCARY MASKED FACE WAS JUST INFRONT OF MI!!!!!! those scary eyes looking at mii!! Then Liling follow mi screamm...lolx.. The second part was the ending.. the first two of my friends ran for the door.. leave mi and liling and mii behind, so we ran and we screamed... cas, got two people bouced out and ''fortunately'' poke mii.. lolx..

Then, we went down to welcome the old folks.. They were quite ok.. they didnt seemed as bad as i thought they would be!! HAHAX..my old folk did not spend a single dollar. we chatted abit..Then when they had to go home, our whole class was there except 2e2 even though some had took care of the old folks..
xueyin was...was DRamatic.. took a tissue and waved goodbye, and saw her using it to wipe her perspiration after the old folks left.!!

Xinyi's campleader who was known as' coconut head"?? did not recognised Xinyi!! =P
while Gerome and Fatima recognies mii.. feel so good tt my leaders recognised mi!!! (xinyi- are you jealous??)HAHAX..
After that, ick ick desiree ah xin and mii went to TM.. for..?? and i also created a name for the bear we(ick des and mi) gave her for a present .. its name is CHEEEEEEEEEESY ...
okkk.. i will continue on the next post.. =D


My contented life`
6/05/2006 09:46:00 PM


15 This yeAR
bOrn in 10.10.1992 =D
PiaNo lover
ex-GuzHeNg logistic =)
ex-Head of duties(pRefect) in bvss
A part time swimmer =)
ex-badminton player


I mostly hates:
-fussy ppl, including irritating & pestering
-ppl whO fight with mii for things..
-ppl blaming mii when i was in no wrong..
-ppl whO dun appreciate what i do..
-ppl whO dun listens to one's idea
-beatle,and flying insects

-a new hp
-Passing studies with flying colours
-a new camera
-Going to america disney land
-a new bag..
-a room of my own
-learn volin
-a wallet
-pass my grade 6 theOry
-pass grade7 practical
-a guzheng in my house

i lOVe:
-my astro,crocodile,korkor,oreo
-my 'freaking hot' friends
-my uncle BIG bungalow
-my HOUSE!!
-Maths& science =D
-Famous Amos!
-ex-badminton coach
-playing badminton
-my one & onli guzheng
-my one & onli piano



