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.Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Hello everyone,
i have tried to put aside all my works to update my bloggie..
Todae, i am going to post about CHINESE NEW YEAR.
First, new year's eve:
i had a reunion dinner.. i wanted to trim my hair on tt dae, but when i woke up in the morning abt 10am, i saw my uncle downstairs in the kitchen!? He came here to help my parents to cook and prepare the food for the night?! WOW.. So, as a good girl, i understood my parents' feelings and did not disturb them. Instead, i went up again, without eating my breakfast and study for exams =)
At night, you cant believe what i ate, i wanted to take a picture of all the foods, but the camera was upstairs. let me name the food, there was lobsters imported freshly from Australia, Buddha jump over the wall and sharkfins sponsored by my rich uncle =). Fish and salad from my aunt. Traditional food which we eat every year without fail, pork, duck, chicken, mushrooms, seacumber. Had the chicken meat specially made by my another aunt. All the foods were delicious!
Two big cousins took one weeks leave from work which is at Australia to come back and celebrate the new year. One of my cousin also brought her boyfriend here. He is TALL. He is a white person, 'ang-moh'. I am not kidding, he is TALL. he almost hit the fan. He is also verii humorous.
We 'lou-yu-sheng', one big plate. The aftermath: the crackers, the salmon, the pamelo all 'scattered' on the table. As there are 22people, the teens with some adults(they are quite young, but got children alreadii) sat on one table and the real big adults sat on another table. It was quite funny when i think of this. last time, we were all small in size and it fit us all perfectly in tt round table, but now, we all grown in size but the table still remains the same. During the dinner, we laughed alot because their real story was verii funny. One said that, the swimming pool he swam in was the worst swimming pool ever, there was sand at the bottom of the pool! Then another replied, maybe the designers were trying to make a beach effect? or due to lack of materials they had?

After tt, we went to the garden. Then my sister asked my Australia cousin, which had her hair dyed and spike up, and truly speaking, she looks young:'' what happen to your leg? why is it bandage?''.
She replied, ' i dun want to talk about it.' 'i was just trying to recover my youth, and it wasnt tt sucessful, so..'' =D

I was getting bored, so i went up to study some more. However, abt 9.30pm, i went down to see if my cousins and sister were still there. They said they wanted to go somewhere and eat, and i wanted to go too! To my surprise, when i went down, i saw onlii two uncle talking?discussing angrily?.. i walk to the kitchen, no father no mother no aunt, only maid. i walk out to the garden, no one?..So strange. Then i found out tt my two cousins and my sister hit the car with bottle. The story goes like this: A dog was barking at the balcony, they got a bottle and thrust it at the dog , unfortunately, not only the bottle DID NOT hit the dog, i dropped down and hit the car. =/ Then the person who spotted them, came to our house and complained.

At night, my parents and i did one more last minute packing and cleaning of the house, laying down the big carpet on the floor, placing the new year snacks on the table etc.
I also found out tt the people who is born in the year of monkey: lucky no. is 4! lucky colour is green. And they are both related to mi! 4 is my register no., green is my PE house colour. lOlx..
DID the Counting down and slept around two. My sister went out to party again.

Next post: new year(dae 1,2,3)
next next post: exams
next next post: sister birthdae party

PLS STAY TUNED to the past events post.
My contented life`
2/28/2007 08:41:00 PM

.Friday, February 16, 2007
I am posting abt T-O-D-A-E!
Woke up at 5.50, which is not i planned. i planned to wake up at 5.45 to bathe =)
New Year, refreshing start.
Reached school at abt 6.35am.. Carried quite alot of stuff in my hands, as though i just came back from shopping. i had to bring Liling birthdae present too! I envy those people whose birthdae falls on Chinese New Year dae, they have double hOngbaos to collect UNLIKE mii, celebrate my birthdae during end-of-year examinations, collecting many examination papers =/

The boys helped us carry the guzhengs up, desiree and i arranged the guzhengs in the hall. The Hall is so quiet and dark. When i was arranging qianqian guzheng which was near the end of stage, i saw one boy standing at the curtains there. wAHHhh, scare mii and my heart beat tremendously increased, he was like staring at mii. lOlx.. He was just one of the AVA people.
i lent qianqian my prefect black shoes, and found out tt my shoes are really big, not only for qianqian but mii too. Soon, we practised the first song again and again, cas Val and ms leong wanted it slow. I kind of find it too slow sometimes and it has verii little New Year's spirit. However, the slow playing did not happened in the actual performance. We were kind of rushing =) and it was quite nice actually. We sat at the back of the hall. There was a fortune God giving out hOngbaos and sweets! It was mr. kelvin teo, then i wondered, why is a pe teacher chosen to do this. This gave mii another example. last time, Mr. su was the snow white( maincharacter) in the snowwhite and the 7dwarfs =/
The whole thing ended abt 10.15am, 3e1 and 3e3 had to stay back, because we need to collect our math books to revise during the CHINESE NEW YEAR!! Adding on to tt, just now, when we were sitting behind, we overheard Mr. Yup saying, 'wah, why are there so many books? You should have put the books inside the Big hOngbao and give them.' =D

After tt, xinyi, kexin and mii have a thought of going back to primary school to say hello to our teachers. The security guard was humourous, we were looking at the peacocks, he suddenly said, 'Hello uncle, can i visit my teachers?'.We smiled. 'Of course you can! aniway, where is my hongbao?' haaha.
I was super surprise by the improvements of my primary school. I went in the toilets, there was automatic hand wash! I looked out from the windows, and saw a run track in the field! The school canteen was also awarded the best canteen award! The vice principal also changed alreadii, and there were many new teachers. Some teachers never change at all, eg. Mr.Liew, Mrs.hoon and many more.
i SO SO MISS them!
We also went to the canteen and bought some food to bring back the memories. It cost 80cents onlii.The rice is realli verii little! Last time i eat, is like too much for mii. Some of the stalls aunty and uncles still remember us =) After tt, we went took bus 229 to bedok inter for a real lunch. we almost fell asleep in the bus as it was a warm dae and the aircon was blowing at us, furthermore, we just ate.
After we eat, we went home straight! This time, my bus came the same time as xinyi. =) But i know tt the people waited verii long alreadiii. lOlx.
Planned to study when i reach home, instead i drop dead into my bed and woke up at 5. hehe!

Happy chinese new Year!
My contented life`
2/16/2007 08:13:00 PM

.Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Happy Valentines!!
I am pOsting abt todae!! TODAE!!
todae was special?
I reached school at 6.35am! 10minutes earlier than usual..
I saw many people carrying paperbagS filled with goodies..lOlx..
I didnt noe tt valentines dae is giving goodies to friends..
BECAUSE I have my own definition: valentines is a day for couples =).
Of course, I felt so bad for not giving anyone anything except for a 'happy valentines' greeting

There is also another thing tt was quite special? Any guesses?
The ans: Mrs Cheong dismissed us early for the first time!! lOlx..

Nth much todae, Chinese test I got B4, and the Grades written on the whiteboard are wrong. How can there be no C5 and C6?!
During Geography class, I was yawning many times. My eyes were shutting close any minute, and the girl behind mii was kicking my chair, it was annoying, so I moved my table infront. However, Yun kay, who was sitting in front of mii, stretch out her hands and grab the table legs and started pulling my table infront. -.-'' I was irritating, I have no where else to go, move back also cannot, move front also cannot =/
Math lesson, we did our math test corrections, I got A1!. I thought I was going to fail the math paper because when I started during question 2, my mind went blank, I kept thinking how to do and then skip question2 first, question3 also dunno how to do, so skip again. Next page, I skip another question. The third page, I did complete but I was unsure of the answer. Then the fourth page, I didnt do the second question and skip the last question. The end.
Of course, I managed to solve all the problems using my OWN concept except the second question on the first page =)
History lesson, we played blow-wind-blow to find our different group partners =) VERII fun!
We had 3 members in a group and each were given an article about the league of nation. Btw, our group name was World War, so when Mrs hua point to one of us, we have to say, 'World War1, World war2, World War3' haaha...

Now, more abt past events...
Mondae, we had Chinese new year rehearsal.. We were the first item to perform, kind of scary.
I help them arrange and position the guzhengs when they had their lunch, I am good girl ! And again, the mike is placed infront of mii!! Why is there a mike infont of mii every performance!
After tt, I helped val moved her guzheng back as she got sth to do. The guzhengs are not light ok!
On tuesdae guzheng, I was at a corner of the guzheng room doing my homework, as I said before, I am a GOOD girl. And there is no doubt abt tt. And the rest, went off to play? =/
At around 4-5pm, we practised the two SYF songs and tried out two different positioning of guzheng. The second arrangement was quite cool, and the formation is nice =D

OK.tts all! I want to study for examinations tt are NEXT WEEK!

My contented life`
2/14/2007 08:25:00 PM

.Thursday, February 08, 2007
hellO every-body!
Long time no post alreadii, but it is onli one week.
nvm... BUT actually I did tried to post.
When I opened the blogger, type a few words... then stopped to do my homework.
BUT when I do my homework finish, already 10 or 11pm.
And I closed the blogger.
The end.
I am getting lesser homework or sometimes, NO homework! I is kind of strange when there are no homework to do. Because, every evening come back, do our work till late night without taking a break. When there are no homework, either you are just finding things to do or you are thinking of ''are there really no homework?''.
Having a less homework is sure a good thing, HOWEVER, having a common test right after Chinese new year is a stressful thing. I am super furious about the timing of the common test, why must they put it straight after New Year!!? I dun think I have the mood for new year alreadii. Speaking of which, I still have not bought my new year clothing. lOlx..

Last thursdae, Ms chia gave us 15 minutes of lower secondary recess, and then come up to do some experiment about average speed, need to do some running. Waaa, when the break was almost over, I rmb tt I need to hand in the English corrections to Mrs cheong, so I ran with anika to the room and gave her to correct. She also scolded mi! She said, 'you see, you have so many mistakes, first time is the ink too light, then corrections, and more corrections, did you looked through our work?!' So scary, lucky she let mii off =D
Last fridae, had a chemistry test in the morning, the separation techiques were tough, it is a 8 marks question. Even though I guess the answers, I got the question correct! AND teacher returned us the paper during PCCG on the same dae. Also, tt dae I laughed quite a lot in PCCG.
Morning got PE, played the floorball, learning defence and attacking skills.
Mr. su always connect PE with science, he always say the kinetic energy etc..

Then during PCCG, we sat in our old group(which has dion,yingying, zhaoying,Grayson,Bryan and Darwin). Last PCCG, we wrote on a small piece of paper an individual advertisement but we cant write our name. This PcCG lesson, we need to guess the person tt wrote it. To make it easier, each groups have different colour paper, my group is purple! And you just need to guess who wrote it in tt particular group.
It was quite funny, many ppl, esp. sokyee,yunkay,kexin,yuning. They wrote something in Chinese at the bottom of the paper.
Yunkay's one was a little different from others. She wrote, 'I am a person, the person who is reading is not a person. Everyone loves mi, but I hate everyone.' lOlx..
I think sokyee wrote in Chinese, 'I am a person, a person is not a person'... hahaa
Zizing intro was also quite funny, she wrote: she is very man, hate gigglos, cute.. sth like tt.
Then it was time for a yunjie's group to guess my group members' advertisements. It was quite difficult to guess. You see, there are 4 boys in my group and they all wrote the same thing which was :cute, tall, 'tok kok', bv student, NOT CHEAP, BUY ONE GET THREE FREE.
Do you understand this 'buy one get one free sentence'?!! lOlx..

I almost forgot! tt dae was ying ying birthdae! 15 years old already, so old already yet so childish. After school, couldn't find desiree to discuss something and I was rushing to do cip at bedok. Then derrick, yuli and xinyi wanted to go too. We had lunch at long john, I shared combo1 with kexin as we had already eaten before going to bedok.
After derrick, yuli and xinyi finished, they came up and help kexin and I to put the books. And home sweet home at 4pm =D.

My contented life`
2/08/2007 06:29:00 PM

.Thursday, February 01, 2007

My contented life`
2/01/2007 05:51:00 PM


15 This yeAR
bOrn in 10.10.1992 =D
PiaNo lover
ex-GuzHeNg logistic =)
ex-Head of duties(pRefect) in bvss
A part time swimmer =)
ex-badminton player


I mostly hates:
-fussy ppl, including irritating & pestering
-ppl whO fight with mii for things..
-ppl blaming mii when i was in no wrong..
-ppl whO dun appreciate what i do..
-ppl whO dun listens to one's idea
-beatle,and flying insects

-a new hp
-Passing studies with flying colours
-a new camera
-Going to america disney land
-a new bag..
-a room of my own
-learn volin
-a wallet
-pass my grade 6 theOry
-pass grade7 practical
-a guzheng in my house

i lOVe:
-my astro,crocodile,korkor,oreo
-my 'freaking hot' friends
-my uncle BIG bungalow
-my HOUSE!!
-Maths& science =D
-Famous Amos!
-ex-badminton coach
-playing badminton
-my one & onli guzheng
-my one & onli piano



