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.Friday, June 29, 2007
school reopened on Monday the 25th.
Changed new bagg...

no more haversack bag.. actually, wanted to buy sling bag, but i was in a rush and there was no bag to my liking.
My old bag cannot take it anymore~~~
looked new and alright to you?
LOOK CAREFULLY...at the top
but before that, i got back my piano theory results!!!
Which was taken on 10th march.. and was sent back on June...
I passed. 73/100 =)
Now, the next thing is the upcoming practical exam...
on 4th July, 2.45pm. Coincidentally, i have prefect course on the same dae from3-6pm.
So, i would be late!! i hate to attend courses, especially the same thing year after year.....
We were given new timetable.
And i love the first week of school!!!!
first dae.. :
-Chemistry, mrs koh had to attend her father funeral. So, a relief came in.
-add. math lesson, chu-er taught the boring way again. write formula and workings on the board.
-social studies, when Mr.Yong asked if we brought our books, the whole class replied with a casual "NO", even though almost everyone brought their books!! haaaha!
-physics, We did file arranging. So relaxing cas i DIDN'T bring my file! This kexin said she too lazy msg mii when she received the msg to bring the file.
-Math lesson, did corrections for mid-year paper. Changed the seating arrangement. Sat with kexin. At first, sokyee, siewee, kexin and mii had to seat at the last two rows, then sokyee asked mdm shikin whether they could move up. Kexin and mii also asked..
So, all four of us managed to shift up one row. There was empty seats in front of us, so kexin and mii asked again!! Our proposal was accepted!! yay!! Now, kexin and mii seating at the first four rows. lOlx.
-Chinese, ms leong didn't come.. relief again!! but had to do Chinese paper.
To sum up the whole week excluding the cross country, we are so fortunate to have so many relief!!
On tues, after recess, we have two free periods.. math and English!! Went to the library, when math period was over, kexin, sokyee group, xiuqin group and mii didnt noe cas we were all playing at the corner... When we finally noticed, we hurried back to the classroom.
Then, we went back to the library for the next period. =/
We rushed to book the computers. Kexin, yuning, anika and mii shared one computer. while sokyee, yy, yunkay and zizing shared the other. We played neopets!! The "neopian bank" one and "tug-o-war". For the neopian bank, kexin and mii played till lvl22!!
And, the tug-o-war, we had to press the letters to pull the opponent down, and yuning and kexin was trying to do their best by pressing, "c,v" continuously. So, they got verii excited, while pressing the letter, "c,v".. they also say the letters loudly."C,V! C,V! C,V!"... the keyboard was shaking violently and so was the table. lolx.. The scene was super funny, my hands, kexin hands and yuning hands, all on the keyboard.
Wednesdae: Chinese relief again... Mr. Yong didn't come, relief again! PCCG, did NOTHING. English relief~~~ So, the whole dae, we had only history?? lOlx.. But, we didn't go to the library!
Before i forget, our class met the family of KOH!!! during PCCG lesson, Mrs. koh introduced us the temporary chem teacher who will be taking over her, Ms. koh... Then english relief, came in Mr. Koh!!
Our class was laughing when Mr. koh wrote his name on the whiteboard. He asked some science question, which was quite lame!! =/
In the afternoon, we had prefect meeting. I had to explain the duties to the prefects. SO scary!!
But before tt, sth hilarious and embarrassing thing happened between jesslyn and mii. We entered the prefect room the same time. My bag was stuck outside, so two of us couldn't enter and it made a loud noise. The worst thing was tt Mr. Yap was talking to the prefects. Mr. yap then looked at us, and said,"I am sorry that the door is too small for two of you to enter, our school have no money to make the door bigger." sth like tt! ahhhh...

My contented life`
6/29/2007 07:18:00 PM

.Sunday, June 24, 2007
before i start posting...
let me introduce to the chocolates, with astro as the mascot.

continue from the previous post..
five ppl in plaza sing...
but this time not using the story method.
The five crazy ppl were des,junwei,jinghui,nevin and lastly me!! 1,2,3,4,5... yuup five ppl!
We went there to watch fantastic4 and the rise of the silver surfer.
At abt 12.35 i left for desiree house.. and we took bus 42 at 1pm..
nevin and junwei said they were meeting us at plaza sing, so jinghui and us would be taking the train.
Before tt, i went to cheers to buy some last min present for jinghui cas his birthdae is the next dae! I had no idea what to buy for him. So i bought some chocolates! When we reached there, we decided to eat yoshinoya(or whatever it is spelt)to spend our time, while waiting for junwei and nevin.i shared with desiree cas i ate lunch before i came out.So i put the 5$ on the table and she gave mii back $3 change. however, after 10minutes, the $5 was still on the table, and i took it back without desiree realising. We chat abt some topic.

Then, jinghui wanted go toilet. Then des and mii wanted to go too! But he alreadii went missing. so we walked one big round and found the toilet which was quite near to the yoshinoya restaurant.
We met all of the them, nevin, junwei and jinghui at LJS. There, they talk abt bio... i felt so lonely, as though i am the only 3e1..
ok, i am the ONLY 3e1 student. =D

But there was also another 3e3 student!
Went to queue up, and pointing to one another to buy the tickets. Bought the fantastic four combo-popcorn,drink and a free notebook for $8.. quite expensive!!

During the movie,Desiree and mii ate half of the pop corns while the boys ate the rest... desiree drank a few slips, in the end, there was so much left.
This sentence seemed so ... (cant think of any words.)
She also asked mii where was the $5 i gave to her. she thought she lost it.

It was abt 5.15, the movie was quite short, abt 1 and a half hours long. We wanted to have dinner, so PASTAMANIA! yumyum!! once again, they point point point and ask mii to buy ONE large bbqchicken and ONE small Hawaiian pizza. i collected many coins from them and i lost one 5 cent coin when desiree played with my mountain of coins. =/

Before the pizza was served, the boys were lame. draw here draw there.
The pizza was delicious. I ate 4! haaha!! 4 pizza with my favourite topping! CHEESE~~~
They said i eat too fast! but the problem is the pizza too small!!
We cracked jokes while eating.

Soon, we took a train and bus42 home!! The train was damn packed!!
The end.
The next dae: 20/6/07
jing hui and sharil birthdae. wish them a belated birthdae! haahaa
afternoon, went for physic remedial..when i reached there, the lesson still haven start even though i came late! few minutes later, we were being informed that the lesson was cancelled cas ms chia got diarrhoea. Then, i had to go back home again. lucky kexin, she went for malaysia, so she didnt come for the remedial!

the following dae:21/6/07

Woke up early, around 6.45am. We, 3e1 had to attend some chemistry workshop at VJC. It was the chemistry week.
The school gave us a mini bus, which can seat abt 16.
With some squeezing, eg. 3ppl a seat the bus max seat is only20!
lucky there was another bigger bus. Because, 30 students of 3e1, plus some lowersec and some lifesciences, we cant possibly squeeze together!!
We took the big bus while we left the small bus for the lowersec and life-sciences!! haahha
Oh ya, Mrs. koh didnt come together. Her father passed away. i felt terrible for her. =D
Change topic!!
The bus lost the way, and made a Big U-turn..
I can enjoy the aircon in the bus. Soon, we reached VJC. Big and nice school.
We did the soft drinks experiment.
first one, was the mentos in the drink.
Second one was...rust steel put inside the drink. and the rust will fall off.

is my picture clear??
Then, the course ended. We went on with seperate ways.
Took bus 13 home.

played with the camera.
And found out, my floor can watch tv too!!
But the wordings are opposite...

i love my piano!!!
My contented life`
6/24/2007 06:56:00 PM

.Friday, June 22, 2007

My contented life`
6/22/2007 12:10:00 AM

.Thursday, June 21, 2007
i shall squeeze everything in one post.. i think..
i shall begin..
Chapter 1:shopping at vivo city
once upon a time,a girl name hongye went out to shop at Vivocity with her mom on 15 june.
She then realise the size of that shopping centre..Her mom and her walked around vivo and found themselves outside of the vivo shopping centre. (Laugh effect.. hahaha.)
They brought themselves a cardigan- $43, a 2 tee-shirt for hOngye-$23, 2 pants-$49 and 2 tee-shirt for mom-$26 For G2000..
which cost total of -$195... HOWEVER, with the big sales and the "shiny"card.
SLASH! SLASH! SLASH! It became $121.20.. =D

Then they felt hungry, so they wanted to find something to eat..hongye wanted to find Old chang Kee, so they went to find and got lost.
They went rounds and rounds the shopping centre. In the end, they ate LJS. One combo1 and a fish wrap. =D They were having a lovely tea time, then the big guy with a red broom came. (sound effect pls..waAa...ooOO...)
He swept and swept and kept on pestering hOngye, he use the red broom of his and hit the legs of my chair many time.

Soon, they set off once again, to buy more things.. shorts and a tee-shirt.
AND home sweet home..
on the way home, they spotted a lovely rainbow which hOngye thought it was a picture pasted to the bus surface. WHY? cas it was too beautiful to even believe it exist! (*OOooOO*) They could see the colours too clearly and it was from one end to another.. As the bus was too crowded, hOngye could not take out her phone to take a picture. It was such a pity. (*ohhh....)

The End...
Chapter two: bbq at uncle house

The next dae, hOngye woke up and was informed that there was a bbq at her first uncle house that night. However, hongye and her mom had some business to do. Once again, they set off together, but this time.. together with the maid. They had to bring the maid to have Xray at Sata clinic. It was drizzling, but with their determination and spirit, they climb hills and brave through strong wind and managed to reach there.(*claps**claps*)
After the maid had taken her Xray, it was time to go back home. The weather was terrible. It was pouring cats and dogs..(*ohhh ..**)
So they decided to take a thing called TAXI. A taxi is a vehicle that transport ppl. =D

The taxi fare was $4.

At night, the whole HO family went for the BBQ. hOngye and her father set up the fire. Soon, her 2nd uncle came and she became the "slave".lOlx.. She was asked to get this, get that. Wash this, Wash that. Take this,take that.
But god pitied her.
When she went to the kitchen, she saw a basket of big pinkish-red fruits. STRAWBERRIES~~ (WoooOOo**) She took a bite and YUMMY YUMMY with thumbs-up. Big, juicy and sweet!!
Later on in the night, hOngye saw a group of ppl siting outside talking enthusiatically. So, she went and listen to their conversations. During the conversation of Singapore Stock Market, which was quite interesting and hilarious..many types of word came out of their mouth.. especially "Bullshit".
She then shared some wine with her family members, and learned the proper way to holding the wine glass, drinking the wine and to indentify the wine. =D
Went home about 10 cas her sister wanted to use the car once again. It was a great night, the moon was so bright.

The end.
Chapter3: 5ppl in Plaza sing

next post.. dont feel like posting so many.. =D

My contented life`
6/21/2007 06:14:00 PM

.Monday, June 18, 2007
helo peeps..
schools are reopening soon. June holidaes are so short.
Soon, i would be seeing Yuner everydae and almost every lesson.
Yuner sits beside mii for English, chemistry, physic, a math and PPCG and sometimes social studies. I miss the times sitting in the a math classroom with yuner, while Chu, er writes math formula on the board.
Also, i have to thank Yuner for making my blog so lively. By Spamming my blog regularly.

Desiree and kexin abondoned mii. They left for malaysia and never tell me till i read their blog. hmmp.
Oh yes, yesterdae was Fathers' dae~
I didnt realised it till Dinner when i asked my parents when is fathers'dae! =D

Jurong bird park ..
It has been a week since i went to jurong bird park.

That was my second time to the bird park.

What should i say?
It is a place filled with colourful and weird birds.
My uncle got a tickets because his company organised something there.
My family except my sister went, because she was sleeping soundly at home.

Those flamingos were so adorable..
When we reached that lake, they started crossed the lake, one after the other..SO CUTE!
If i am not wrong, they were trying to impress us !
My parents and mii!!

Ain't they sweet?
Muack muack.. love love.. haaha

I saw this flower hanging vertically on a tree..
My aunt said it was a "paozhu" plant..
Then we went to watch a bird show..

Does this bird resemble the one in harry potter ?!=D
This bird shows are dangerous, they let birds fly over our heads. And beware of their droppings. =/. My uncle told to grab the bird and asked them to pay mii money for catching the bird. kinnda like a ransom.

We also went to watch another show. Parrots!
Talking parrots.. i want one too!
His name was a-me-go. He can sing many songs, rasa sayang, happy birthdae, ke ren lai and say one sentence of Japanese. Not only that, he can count 1 to 10 in English as well as Chinese! Good!!
He has a verii cute voice, and an accurate pronounciation.
It was abt 12 when we went for lunch

Chicken, mash potatos, bread and an apple.
We ate in a big white tentage. And there was a game which my uncle family took part in.

It was a child game called MAD RUSH. They were given a piece of paper of numbers. They had to listen the "mad-rush" no. that was given and then run to the host to collect the prize. There was only one prize- notebook and more than 10 children running about. =/ No wonder it was called mad-rush.

That was super funny! because the prize was held high up by the host and the short children cant reach it. So.. parents came up and helped them snatched the prize without even giving the host to check the Numbers! One of them was my aunty.

After lunch, my family went to the waterfall aviary..
The fountain was ... huge.

Random pictures
LastlyWe went into the penguin aquarium.
Love the aircon inside. And the penguin are super cute. Specially the baby ones.

I had trouble taking pictures of them swimming. They swim too fast.

Btw, is this how penguin slps? curling the head to the back?
The End.


Recently, i found a makeover game...
Quite interesting.. =D

My contented life`
6/18/2007 02:30:00 PM

.Thursday, June 14, 2007
On saturdae, Guzheng BBQ 9th June..
wanted to meet with kexin, jiaying to buy food for the night..
However, when i called them, they said they were paying for the food alreadii. So, i decided to meet them at jiaying condo.
I somehow managed to persuade my mother to fetch me to the hill opp. of jiaying condo. Then waited for jiaying to open the side gate for me. Waa. It was a lovely weather, i couldn't wish for anything more. I saw desiree and xinyi walking out from the toilet, alreadii prepared to jump into the clear and cool water.
We then went swimming... xinyi complained a lot. First, was her swimming costume, next her goggles, then her plaster. -.-'' Desiree wanted to swim 25 laps, while i wanted 30 laps. Unfortunely, i lost counts, so i just follow desiree counting.
Then, there was one irritating guy, who seemed to want to compete with mii. I start swimming, he start swimming. He swims faster than mii, and he rested at the wall while i was still swimming. when i was abt to reach the wall, he started to swim! I think desiree must be real stressed-out, because i swam past her many times.

After i swam abt 15laps, kexin and xinyi called me to help them carry the red plastic bag that was left on the floor by kexin.
Why did she left it there?
Because there was a dog around that area, so kexin ran off without taking the plastic bag!
Soon, i swam till 20laps and saw kexin and some of the guzheng members trying to light up the fire. I was too eager to play with fire, so i jump out of the water and helped them, while desiree still swimming.
We brought a few packets of fried rice, cas we complained that the BBQ itself is not filling enough.

4 people were able to eat finish.
bY looking the picture, i feel like eating!

our Juniors. Everytime i look at this picture, i want to laugh.
you look carefully at the background. The one waving and jumping is me, the one holding the cup is kexin. Kexin had been influence by mii!! HAHAHA
tHE little organiser..

Next chapter
We were one big family.. living happily together. BUT before that..
Des wanted to peek at me! =/
des and mii started to fight. So we were unhappy and dragged kexin and xinyi..

however, i was not involve in the fight in the toilet. I was the mediator. I tried to stop them.

I was being thrown aside...

In the end, we are back as a happily family!
Can anyone guess what exactly are those people doing?
A broken star.. i took out my two fingers =D
The main thing that night was, VAL and XINYI!
This year is val graduation year! And xinyi birthdae is the next dae!
Brought cakes.. lovely and yummy cakes..
HAPPY BIRTHDAE AH XIN! happy birthdae to you(high-pitch)~~~~~~~
Oh yes, i taught xinyi kexin how to do the buddha in the water. After they learned, they went crazy over it. We did funny and sexy pose in the water, using the buddha method.
I felt so sad for ah des, she didnt pass. Instead of sinking, she was floating.
At night, we also played "bus ride in the water"..des,kexin,ah xin, jiaying togetherwas piggyback by me. AM i strong or wat!?
Soon it was 9.50, went in for a short shower.. and was chased out by the guards at 10..
Des,xin,kexin,jiaying and mii were left behind clearing all the stuff, and i ate the remainder cake myself and 2chickens! haaha..
GOODNIGHT... father fetch mii and des home!

My contented life`
6/14/2007 04:07:00 PM

.Wednesday, June 13, 2007
I am posting faster than usual, but desiree is speed-posting!!
not fair!!
Performing arts concert...
8th June.. had two tickets to sell..
Asked quite a lot of people...
Xueyin said she maybe going, so i kept one for her..
Then Alvin wanted two, so i sold him one and xinyi sold him one.
After that, xueyin had sth on, so i sold my tickets to jiaying.
Liling then sms mii if i had any more tickets -.-'''
So troublesome..

The dae before, i had chemistry remedial at 10.15am..
But went in the classroom at 10.30 cas Mrs.Koh haven come!
Waa... The lesson was once again dragged. It was Supposed to end at 12.15, but she dragged till 1pm! The most FRUSTRATING thing was we had not even started our experiment till 1pm! And all the performing arts students had to leave. So sad right?

After that, we gathered at guzheng room and moved our instruments down. Kexin and mii were grumbling about not having lunch. Soon, we reached TJC. Had our rehearsal, it was messy.
After the rehearsal ended abt 5, des,kexin,val,jiaying,jingyuan,xinyi and mii went to the bedok market and eat. jiaying left her hp on the table again, so des taught her a lesson by secretly keeping it.
I want to complain about bus 12 coming once in a blue moon. Bus 38,229 comes so frequently. I waited from 5.45 to 6.05...When des was abt to take a nap on her bed!
The next dae, 8June..
We planned to meet at bedok mc for lunch before going to TJC.
Des and mii reached there at 12.15, and i ate finish at 12.30. Why i eat so fast?
Because the burger SMALL!!

Again, we had the rehearsal. But ms leong said it was better than the day before.
Desiree had perspirating profusely after the first song! Her forehead was like shining.
Waaa.. i looked up to her.. wondering what kind of shampoo she used.! lOlx..
Dinner time. We had a pathetic drumstick, plain rice with some "chewy" vegetable.
Make-up, our hair done by ms leong. Speaking of which, my hairdo was a failure!! Ms leong thought i sat on the right side, so she do my hair so beautifully and then realise i sat on the left side!
Soon, the teachers and friends all arrived. Mr. yap looked funny with his glasses on and the brown briefcase he carried! The guzheng, band and chinese dance all sat at the 3rd level for the first half of the concert. Even Though it is 3rd floor, the singapore theatre where i watch my "99 phatom of the opera" was like on the 6th-7th floor. The feeling was like sitting on the first seat of the roller-coaster just before coming down the track. haaha.

Finally, it was the interval, des and i helped to arrang the guzheng's stands. My guzheng was the last to moved up because jingyuan helped others and basically too busy to move mine! But nvm!!
The songs were ok. I felt nervous at first, but after the audience started to clap OUT OF BEAT, i felt more relax, because they help me cover up my mistakes! THANK YOU!! And first time, i heard so much clapping for the guzheng!! YAY!
The concert ended abt 9.15. Went back to the holding room, moved the guzheng up the bus and off to school. Time really flies, soon it was 10.25, father fetched des and mii home! After i reached home, i had to eat dinner as i forgot to tell my maid not to cook! =/ Home food was much much much much better than the dinner the school provided!

My contented life`
6/13/2007 09:56:00 PM

.Saturday, June 09, 2007
2/6/07: BV blazar!!
GOOD selling!!!!!~~

-Movie theme
What we sell: drinks, nachos, popcorns. Outside night study room

Games: PS2. Inside Night study room.

Reached school at 8.10, kexin and i help out by thinking creative names for drinks.
Some Weird names, rocket blast, cola-carbonated, sedaplicious, cooling delights, sour til you jump.
Soon, 10am we started selling.
Our Nachos were selling great!!
Kexin and mii were the food sellers, i love collecting the money.
Zizing, yuning and sokyee were in charge of making the nachos, who were inside the night study room.
Yingying and yuner were the card giver and advertising.
As our nachos were selling great, Anika and qianqian had walked in and out of the night study room to get the nachos. We even had to re-stock at 12pm cas there were no more cheese and crackers.
Desiree always walks to mii and stuff the food in my mouth. While this Xinyi come to my stall to ask mii buy things!

However, the popcorns were pathetic, no one wants to buy!!

It was actually 1 for $1..
Then 2 for $1
Then 3 for $1..

Soon, Mrs Koh came..
she became picky.. Here the cracker too much, there the cracker too little..
Here the cheese so much, there the cheese too little.
Poor mi and kexin had to run back into the night study room to add more crackers or cheese.
I spent my money on drinks, hotdogs, ice-cream and nachos!!
However, i still left $3 so i donated to my class!!
I am so happy that People love to donate free money to our class!
I am also glad that they made people pay for the entrance fees to go inside night-study room!
-$1 for entrance fee
-$3 per game.

At about 3-3.30.. there was water bombs flying around.
And i got wet even though they were not targetting mii. They were splashing near our stall and most importantly, it went into our nachos!!

So kexin and mii was too angry to be outside, so we went to be the bouncers.
Making sure that everyone pays money to go in!
Anyway, i hope that our class earns lots of money!!!
My contented life`
6/09/2007 12:48:00 PM

.Thursday, June 07, 2007
Hello, short post abt my trip to bedok town sec.
I was requested to go with aisha, shikin to replace people rather than representing the prefects..
However, i didnt noe the peerleaders and class representative was coming too..
There was xueyin, rachel, xinyi, da li, grayson. Alot heh?

First we played a game, to interact with one another.. the chicken game, quite lame..
Then talk about some full range leadership model. Which they printed out about 50 pages of report of ourselves from the leadership survey we did on the web.. quite boring.
During the breaks, we were given cakes and soybean drinks.. NICE!!
The workshop SOME MORE from 8 to 5!!
Lunch... we had chicken rice. The chicken was a little bit tough. But it was still edible.
Then, last part... we had synergistic team building. The games were fun!
skipping ropes, maybe we should do this game for guzheng camp!
1 challenge : All of the member have to skip together excluding the ones holding the ropes. 5 times.
2challenge: Blindfold 4 people and jump as a group.
I wanted to try blindfold jumping, but the blindfold thing very small!!!
Actually, my head is the one that is big. =/

After that, went back to the room, gave us souvenirs.

A bottle with a colour-strip of paper.

"The manager asks how and when: the leader asks what and why. "
Pls tell me what it means
After everything, the Principal came up and made a meaningful speech.
A Speech about 29 May.. About the success of climbing the Mt. Everest.. Many things!!
A few pages long..

They also told us that there would be another course! ohh.. save mii!
31May, vesak dae..
Once again, off to the temple!!!
However, in the morning, my whole was in bad mood due to my sister.
We wanted to leave the house at 8.30, but my sister was still lying on the bed.
Actually, i am quite fed up with her for pushing the blame on mii. She told my parents tt i said that "I was not going" WHICH I DIDNT EVEN SAY.
She must be dreaming when i said that! The last thing i heard from her was, "Goodnight", after she wake up. After that, she went off to her dreamland.
When we reached the temple, it was super crowded. Because the tour buses are taking them here to pray and of course, free breakfast!

In the afternoon, My aunt, sister and i went swimming..
Again, my aunt and sister came quarelling. Because my sister was driving over a 100km/hr on express way.
I just stay still, and watch the nice senery outside. And try not to cut in the conversation.

Btw, how do you use this:
All in 1 card reader..

My contented life`
6/07/2007 09:31:00 PM

.Friday, June 01, 2007
lets see..
got back report book on 25th may..
not that good, class position 13.. and level 25 =/
After that, went shopping with my mum at Orchad Rd..
BIG sales..
iObviously had no mood to shop, so i just bought a shirt-dress? from mango..
I help my mother choose her shoes and my father's clothing.
In the end, we bought :
: 2shoes
: 3 female clothing
: 4 male clothing
: and stuff... =D

Expensive, but no worries..
My mum fishes out her "shiny" card from her wallet and raise the gold pen to sign..

26th may, went to my grandma house to celebrate her birthdae..
She is quite old alreadii, i didn't take note of the no. of candles, but i noe got alot!
Had delicious buffet, tempura prawns, crispy fish dipped in mayo, veg with mushroom, stew with potato and mutton, mee siam. The best is the delights- cream puff, fruit tart?,chocolate puff, fruit salad. NIce...

Went home about 10.15, and sister's best cousin came along, BECAUSE they wanted the car!
My father fetched us home, then my sister drove the car off to watch the midnight movie, pirates of the Caribbean.
Speaking of pirates of the Caribbean, did the movie include,"welcome to Singapore"?
If it did, tt is so lame.

On mondae, 28 may.
had physic remedial, and i woke up real late AND i DID make it just on time!
The remedial was supposed to be 8.30-1.30, but it was changed to 9.30.
GUESS WHAT time i woke up?
the answer is: 9.15
I dunno why, i had a weird feeling and woke up at 9.15. So, i immediately jumped out of bed, changed
-Got out of the house at 9.20.
-Reached the bus stop at 9.24.50
- Bus came at 9.25
- reached school at 9.30

However, when i reached the bus stop, i see yun er and zizing still strolling into school..
and then sokyee and all of them at the canteen...=/
In the afternoon, aisha, told mii that i had to attend some leadership course at bedok town secondary tmr morning from 8 to 5.. Cant reject, the school paid quite a large amt for us.

29th may, left for bedok town secondary at ....

continue next post

My contented life`
6/01/2007 08:11:00 PM


15 This yeAR
bOrn in 10.10.1992 =D
PiaNo lover
ex-GuzHeNg logistic =)
ex-Head of duties(pRefect) in bvss
A part time swimmer =)
ex-badminton player


I mostly hates:
-fussy ppl, including irritating & pestering
-ppl whO fight with mii for things..
-ppl blaming mii when i was in no wrong..
-ppl whO dun appreciate what i do..
-ppl whO dun listens to one's idea
-beatle,and flying insects

-a new hp
-Passing studies with flying colours
-a new camera
-Going to america disney land
-a new bag..
-a room of my own
-learn volin
-a wallet
-pass my grade 6 theOry
-pass grade7 practical
-a guzheng in my house

i lOVe:
-my astro,crocodile,korkor,oreo
-my 'freaking hot' friends
-my uncle BIG bungalow
-my HOUSE!!
-Maths& science =D
-Famous Amos!
-ex-badminton coach
-playing badminton
-my one & onli guzheng
-my one & onli piano



